single day numerous useless files are being downloaded into your pc from
internet without having your authorization. This junk files are the root cause
for slow internet surfing experience. So pointless junk files should be removed
from your computer. You can find various types of paid applications to
accomplish this job like ccleaner. However I would prefer to delete all the
junk files without any software in a single click. Save your valuable money :).
We will
create a script or software to clean that junk files.
1 >
Create a new notepad on your desktop
Now paste the below code into that notepad
@echo off
echo Webhog Cleaner
echo distributed by
echo waiting
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.log
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.gid
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.chk
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.old
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\recycled\*. *
del /f /s /q %windir%\*.bak
del /f /s /q %windir%\prefetch\*.*
rd /s /q %windir%\temp & md
del /f /q %userprofile%\cookies\*.*
del /f /q %userprofile%\recent\*.*
del /f /s /q ?%userprofile%\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*?
del /f /s /q ?%userprofile%\Local
del /f /s /q ?%userprofile%\recent\*.* ?
echo complete!
echo. & pause
3 Now you need to save that notepad as
“cleaner.bat “. It means the file type must be .bat
Your job is done.
To run the cleaner click on “cleaner.bat” which is already created on your
It is completely
safe to run this software.
Enjoy your free junk file cleaner software