
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lock Folder without using any Software.

Lock Folder without using any Software.

Sometimes we want to Lock Folder to Hide our Private Files and Personal Data from other Users of Computer. We would find many Softwares in market for Folder Lock but many of them not Works or if works then they require Registration which is not Possible without Money or Cracks. So here is a Trick to Lock Folder i.e. make a Folder Lock which is very Easy to Use and is Safe. To make the Folder Lock follow these simple steps

 To make the Folder Lock follow these simple steps :
1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
 if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
 if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
 if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
goto CONFIRM :
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End:UNLOCK
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"

if NOT %pass%== type the password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

) In this Code ( line 23 ), there is written “type the password here” ( without quotes ), just write the password needed in place of “type the password here”.
4) Save it as Locker.bat.
5) Now Double Click on Locker.bat. This will Create Folder named "Locker" Automatically. After this Copy and Paste the Contents to be Locked inside the Locker Folder and Run Locker.bat again. Now it will ask to Lock the Folder. Just type “y” ( without quotes ) and press Enter.
6) The Folder now get Dissappered which means Folder is Locked. Now no one can see the Files of the Locked Folder.
7) Now to Unlock the Folder, Double Click on Locker.bat. It will ask the Password, enter the Password and press Enter. The Folder would Appear. So this is a simple Trick to Lock Folder without using any Software.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

SpeedUp the Folder Browsing.

  SpeedUp the Folder Browsing.

You may have noticed that everytime you open My Computer to browse folders , there is a affront delay. This is because Windows XP involuntarily searches for arrangement files and printers everytime you open Windows Surveyor. To fix this and to boost browsing significantly, follow these mentioned procedures :

1) Open My Computer.
2) Click on Tools menu.
3) Click on Folder Options.
4) Click on the View tab.
5) Uncheck the Involuntarily quest for arrangement folders and printers check box.
6) Click Apply.
7) Click Ok.
 8) Reboot your computer.
9) Now it is done.
So this is a simple Trick to SpeedUp the Folder Browsing.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Boot Windows XP Faster.

Trick to Boot Windows XP Faster.

There is a Trick to Boot Windows XP Faster. Just we have to dois follow some simple steps of Trick. Here are the steps for Trick to Boot Windows XP Faster :

1) Open Notepad.

2)Type " del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q " ( without the quotes)

3) Save it as ntosboot.bat in "C" drive.

4) Now Click Start menu >> Run >> gpedit.msc >> Windows Settings >> Computer Configuration >> Shutdown.

5) Now in the New Window, click Add >> Browse >> ntosboot.bat >> Open >> OK >> Apply >> OK
 6) Now agin Click Start menu >> Run >> devmgmt.msc >> IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers >> Right click on Primary IDE Channel >> Properties.

 7) Select the Advanced Settings Tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have device type greyed out select None instead of Autodetect an Click OK.

 8) Right click on Secondary IDE channel >> Properties and repeat above step.

9) Restart the Computer.

10) Now it is done. So it is a simple Trick to Boot Windows XP Faster.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Internet Error Codes and Meaning

Internet Error Codes and Meaning

Error Codes                         Meaning
400                               This is bad request error, First check you may be typing wrong URL name and server could not understand your request.
401                              You are trying to open any unauthorized access site or page. Check your username and password if you are trying to open any webpage.
402                               Payment Required Error
403                             You are trying to open any forbidden page and you are blocked by that domain.
404                                   Here you are trying to open the webpage that was removed or re-named, also check the URL spelling.
408                              This is time out error. you should send the request with in time that the server set for you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

How to use pendrive as RAM

  Speed the Up Computer using USB Pendrive

Many of the Computer are running on Slow Speed. The reason behind this can be the less RAM or or some others. Now here is the Trick to Speed UP the Computer using USB Pendrive. This Trick is helpful in cases where the RAM is less and we want to Speed Up the Computer.

So to use this Trick just follow these simple steps :

1)      Right Click My Computer >> Properties >> Advanced >> Performance.

2)      Now in this window Click on Advanced Tab and then on the Change button.

3)      Now select the Pendrive and choose the Option Custom Size

4)      Now acording to the Memory available in the selected Pendrive, fill the Initial size and Maximum size with the Size and Click on OK

5)      Now acording to the Memory available in the selected Pendrive, fill the Initial size and Maximum size with the Size and Click on OK.

6)      Now it is done. The Computer would be now Faster then the before stage without Increasing the RAM.

        So it is simple Trick to Speed the Up Computer using USB Pendrive.

Increase Speed of BSNL Broadband

 Increase Speed of BSNL Broadband By Changing IP Address

Many of the times the Speed of BSNL Broadband is Frustatingly Slow. It mostly Iritates us and we are left with none other Option, to ShutDown the Computer and our Work. But there are Tips and Trick to Increase Speed of BSNL Broadband

Here are the Tips and Trick to Increase Speed of BSNL Broadband

1) The Major Problem with BSNL Broadband Connection is the DNS Servers that is provided by Default. Most of the Time these are Very Slow and Sometimes Fails to Respond. But There is a simple solution to Increase Speed of our DNS Resolutions. This can be done by opening up the Network Connection and Editing TCP/IP Settings. In the DNS Server Address Fields specify or Now Disconnect the Connection and Connect again. Now it is done. This Service is provided by Open DNS.

2) It is a good Option if we use Mozila Firefox Browser for Browsing, whether for BSNL or any other Broadband Connection. As Firefox Users can use FlashBlock Extension to prevent Downloading of Flash Content. This can Prove to be a very Intelligent Browsing as it would definetly Increase Speeding of Browsing to such Extent. We can Click the Placeholder on that WebPage to Display the Original Flash Content anytime. This Trick would not only Increase the Browsing Speed but would also help in Reducing the Data Usage and further Money if the Broadband Connection is Limited

Friday, October 26, 2012

Increase speed Of Internet by 20%

Simple Method to Increase the Internet Speed by 20%.

There is a Trick to Increase the Internet Speed by 20%. Windows Reserves the 20% Speed of Internet for its own Windows Purpose like Windows Updates, etc. This Trick will Increase the BandWidth usage by 20%, meaning to get a Faster Internet or the Full Incoming Speed. Here is a Trick to Increase the Internet Speed by 20%. 

1)Start >> Run >> gpedit.msc >> On Right Hand Side Select Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Network >> QoS Packet Scheduler >> Limit Reservable Bandwidth.

2) Now it is set to default as "Not Configured". Now press "Enable" and Change the Value from 20% to 0%.

3) Press Apply.

4) Now the Speed has been Increased by 20%. So it is simple Trick to Increase the Internet Speed 

how to choose your password

Top 10 Tips to Choose the Password

1) Come up with something that has nothing to do with your personality. It will leave the trespassers guessing.

2)Make up nonsense words. It will be almost impossible to guess it.

3) Don't tell your password to anyone! You may want to give your password to your parent or spouse in case of an emergency, but no one else.

4) Don't give it online. If someone over the Internet asks for your login password to, for example, help do some html coding for your site or pass a level on the computer game, say no! Rather ask them whether they could explain it to you instead.

5) Try to mix your password with numbers. The more digits, the more possible combination. The more combination, the harder it is to crack the password.

6) Use something familiar for your password. If you can't think of anything, choose a password about a family member. Try one that you haven't seen in months or years, or one that has been deceased for quite a while.

7) Change it when necessary. Make a few times a year when you change something in your password.

8) Change it if you have any suspicious feelings of someone knowing your password. Change it whether you know it as a fact or not! If you don't want to change your password into something completely different, use the step above and just change a small aspect of it.

9) Keep the password between 6-12 characters long because some things that require you to have a password for have character minimums and maximums of around 6 (min) and 12 (max).
10) Write it down on a piece of paper until you memorize it. After you have memorized it rip it up, throw it into multiple garbage bins. You don't want anybody finding it. Remember to hide it while you have it.

Top 5 Tricks and Tips to Boot Up Computer Faster

Top 5 Tricks and Tips to Boot Up Computer Faster

1)    Regular Hard Disk Check Up.

 Over the Time Hard Disk gets Degraded not only Physically but also Digitally. So it’s Important to Monitor the Hard Disk's Drive Health. Any Error or Damaged Sector can throw the Software Loading into an Infinite Loop and thus Causing the Long Load Times. So to check the Hard Disk's Drive Health follow these simple steps :
a) Click Start >> Computer >> Right Click the Partition to be Checked >> Properties >> Tools.
b) Now Under " Error - Checking ", Click " Check Now ".
 c) Now a Pop Window will come and on that Check the both Options i.e. " Automatic Fix File System Errors ", and " Scan For and Attempt Recovery of Bad Sectors ". After this the Error Check would Start and it might take some Time according to the Disk Size.
d) Now Hard Disk Check Up has been Completed.

2) Eliminate Startup Delay

To get Faster Boot Up Speed, We can cut the Boot Delay to 0. The delay is in place to allow your Startup Processes some Breathing Room during Loading. The Default Delay is 30 seconds and We can Change it to 0 and Eliminate it for Faster Boot Up Times. So to Eliminate the Startup Delay follow given below Steps :

a) Click Start >> Run >> Type " msconfig " ( Without Quotes ) >> Press Enter.
 b) Now the System Configuration Utility Windows will Open.
c) Now Click Boot Tab. In the Boot Menu, Change the Default Setting for the Time Out from 30 any Less Number of Seconds You Want. We Recommend the minimimum of 3 Seconds.
 d) Now Startup Delay has been Eliminated.

3) Organize the Hard Disk.

Over the Time, Storage System of the Hard Disk gets DisOrganized. So we need to ReOrganize this Storage System on the Hard Disk. Windows has a Default Utility called Disk Defragmenter that will put the Hard Disk of the System in Order. So to use this Utility follow given Below Steps :
a) Click Start >> Computer >> Right Click any Disk Drive >> Properties >> Tools.
 b) Choose Defragment. Now in the Disk Deframenter Utility, Click Defragment. You have to Defragment each of the Disk Partitions Individually.
c) Now the Organization of Disk has been Completed.

4) Remove Unwanted Startup Programs.

Whenever we Install a New Program, most of them Opts to Load on the Computer Startup. The process of Loading Up these Programs at Startup can reduce the Booting Times. So We need to Reduce these Startup Programs. So to Reduce and Disable the Unwanted Startup Programs follow given below steps :

a) Click Start >> Run >> Type " msconfig " >> Press Enter.
b) Now the System Configuration Utility will Open.
c) Now Click Startup Tab.
d) Uncheck the Programs that You no Longer Want to Run on the Startup and Click OK.
e) Now Unwanted Startup Programs have been Removed.

5) Remove Unwanted Startup Services

There are many Windows Services which also requires the Loading Up at Startup and can reduce the Booting Times. So We need to Disable these Startup Services. So to Reduce and Disable the Unwanted Startup Sercvices follow given below steps

a) Click Start >> Run >> Type " msconfig " >> Press Enter.
b) Now the System Configuration Utility will Open.
c) Now Click Services Tab.
d) Uncheck the Services that You no Longer Want to Run on the Startup and Click OK.
e) Now Unwanted Startup Services have been Removed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reverse Damages and Mistakes

Reverse Damages and Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes... and Microsoft (and other software makers) know that. No matter if you've made a bad change in the registry or emptied the Recycle Bin after deleting your only copy of a report due the next day, there are ways to "undo" the damage.
  • Use Last Known Good Configuration to Back Out of a Recent Change
  • Go Back in Time With System Restore
  • Restore Important Files With System File Checker
  • Undelete Files With a File Recovery Program

How Do I Start Windows Using Last Known Good Configuration?

Question: How Do I Start Windows Using Last Known Good Configuration?
Starting Windows using Last Known Good Configuration (LKGC) is very often the best first step when troubleshooting a Windows startup problem.
As the name implies, starting Windows using Last Known Good Configuration starts Windows using the registry and driver configuration that worked the last time Windows was started and shut down properly.
Since drivers and registry issues are common reasons why Windows won't start, Last Known Good Configuration can be a very valuable tool in troubleshooting Windows startup issues.
Answer: You can start Windows using Last Known Good Configuration from the Advanced Boot Options menu.
Starting Windows using Last Known Good Configuration is pretty simple but the exact method differs a little depending on which Windows operating system you're using:
Note: In most cases, if your Windows startup problem is not solved by starting with Last Known Good Configuration, the next step would be to attempt a System Restore. However, if you came here from a specific troubleshooting guide, your best bet is to follow whatever troubleshooting step is listed next.
Important: The changes made when starting Windows using Last Known Good Configuration can not be undone. Don't let this deter you from trying Last Known Good Configuration - a working Windows with the previous session's driver and registry data is much better than Windows that you can't access at all.

How Do I Use the Windows System Restore Utility?

Question: How Do I Use the Windows System Restore Utility?
The Windows System Restore utility is one of the most valuable recovery tools available to a Windows user.
Many of the more serious problems in Windows are caused by device driver issues, missing or corrupt DLL files, and problems with the Windows Registry - all parts of Windows that a System Restore can help with.
The System Restore tool is one of the easiest to use recovery utilities available in Windows.
Answer: The Windows System Restore utility is located in the System Tools program folder and provides a step-by-step process for restoring important Windows files.
The System Restore tool in Windows works fairly similarly among Microsoft's operating systems but there are some important differences:

How To Use SFC /Scannow to Repair Protected Windows Operating System Files

The sfc scannow option is one of several specific switches available in the sfc command, the Command Prompt command used to run System File Checker. Sfc /scannow is the most common way that the sfc command is used.
Sfc /scannow will inspect all of the important Windows files on your computer, including Windows DLL files. If System File Checker finds an issue with any of these protected files, it will replace it.
Important: You can only run the sfc /scannow command from an elevated Command Prompt. See How To Open an Elevated Command Prompt if you need help doing that.
Follow these steps for using sfc with the scannow option to repair important Windows files:
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Using sfc /scannow to repair important Windows files usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

Here's How:

1.      Open Command Prompt.
Important: You must run Command Prompt as an administrator in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista to use System File Checker.
2.      Once Command Prompt is open, type the following command and then press Enter.
3.  sfc /scannow
Note: There's a space between sfc and /scannow.
Important: If you're trying to use System File Checker from the Command Prompt available in System Recovery Options, see Tip #1 at the bottom of the page for some changes in how you execute sfc /scannow.
4.      System File Checker will now verify the integrity of every protected operating system file on your computer.
Note: In some situations, especially in Windows XP and Windows 2000, you may also need access to your original Windows installation CD or DVD.
5.      Restart your computer if sfc /scannow did actually repair any files.
Note: System File Checker may or may not prompt you to restart but even if it doesn't, you should restart anyway.
6.      Repeat whatever process caused your original problem to see if sfc /scannow corrected the issue.


1.      When running sfc /scannow from outside of Windows, like from the Command Prompt available when you boot from your Windows disc or flash drive, or from your system repair disc, you'll have to tell the sfc command exactly where Windows exists, as in this example:
2.  sfc /scannow /offbootdir=d:\ /offwindir=d:\windows
The /offbootdir= option specifies the drive letter, while the /offwindir= option specifies the Windows path, again including the drive letter.
Note: Depending on how your computer is setup, the Command Prompt, when used from outside of Windows, doesn't always assign drive letters in the same way that you see them from inside Windows. In other words, Windows might be at C:\Windows when you're using it, but D:\Windows from the Command Prompt in System Recovery Options.
In most installations of Windows 8 and Windows 7, C: usually becomes D: and in Windows Vista, C: is usually still C:. To check for sure, look for the drive with the Users folder on it - that will be the drive Windows is installed on, unless you have multiple installations of Windows on multiple drives.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

windows speed up techniques

Optimize Windows XP

Whether by your own installation or on a new computer, Windows XP doesn't come configured just for you. In fact, it probably isn't ready for use out-of-the-box by anyone at all! By default, a number of options are turned on that no one really uses and other settings are configured in ways that benefit very few.
Spend some time using some of these resources to better configure your Windows XP PC. These small changes can help speed up your computer, better prepare you for disaster, and make your daily experience using your computer a little less frustrating.

  • Disable Error Reporting
  • Disable Taskbar Button Grouping
  • Disable the Automatic Restart on System Failure
  • Disable the Splash Screen

How To Disable Error Reporting in Windows XP

he error reporting feature in Windows XP is turned on by default but you may want to disable error reporting for privacy concerns, if you're not connected to the Internet all the time, or to simply stop being alerted by it.
Error reporting works by prompting you after a critical error in the operating system or in other programs and asking permission to notify Microsoft about it. This way, Microsoft can gather technical information about serious errors from millions of users, helping them develop fixes and service packs.
If you'd like to disable error reporting, follow the easy steps outlined below.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Disabling error reporting in Windows XP usually takes less than 5 minutes

Here's How:

1.      Click on Start and then Control Panel.
2.      Click on the Performance and Maintenance link.
Note: If you're viewing the Classic View of Control Panel, double-click on the System icon and skip to Step 4.
3.      Under the or pick a Control Panel icon section, click on the System link.
4.      In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
5.      Near the bottom of the window, click on the Error Reporting button.
6.      In the Error Reporting window that appears, choose the Disable error reporting radio button and click the OK button.
Note: I would recommend leaving the But notify me when critical errors occur checkbox checked. You probably still want Windows XP to notify you about the error, just not Microsoft.
7.      Click the OK button on the System Properties window
8.      You can now close the Control Panel or Performance and Maintenance window.

How To Disable Taskbar Button Grouping in Windows XP or Windows Vista

ave you ever "lost" a window because it was grouped with other windows in the taskbar at the bottom of your Windows XP or Vista PC?
Taskbar grouping may be handy for some but for most it's just an annoyance. Stop Windows from doing this once and for all.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Disabling taskbar button grouping usually takes less than 5 minutes

Here's How:

1.      Right-click on the Taskbar, the bar that sits on the bottom of the screen, anchored by the Start button on the left and the clock on the right.
2.      Click on Properties in the menu that pops up.
3.      Locate the Taskbar appearance options at the top of the window and uncheck the Group similar taskbar buttons checkbox.
Note: If you're not sure exactly how this option will affect your system, the small graphic at the top of this window will change to demonstrate the difference. (The screen shot on this page shows these options in Windows Vista, but the Windows XP options are very similar.)
4.      Click the OK or Apply button to confirm the changes.
If prompted, follow any additional on screen directions.

How To Disable the Automatic Restart on System Failure in Windows XP

Windows XP is programmed by default to restart immediately after a major error, like one that causes a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This reboot happens too fast to record the error message for use in troubleshooting.
Follow these easy steps to disable the automatic restart feature for system failures in Windows XP.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Disabling the Automatic Restart option in Windows XP usually takes less than 10 minutes

Here's How:

1.      Navigate to the Control Panel in Windows XP by left-clicking on Start, followed by Settings and then choosing Control Panel.
2.      In the Control Panel window, open System.
Note: In Microsoft Windows XP, depending on how your operating system is setup, you may not see the System icon. To correct this, click on the link on the left-hand side of the Control Panel window that says Switch to Classic View.
3.      In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
4.      Locate the Startup and Recovery area and click on the Settings button.
5.      In the Startup and Recovery window, locate and uncheck the check box next to Automatically restart.
6.      Click OK in the Startup and Recovery window.
7.      Click OK in the System Properties window.
8.      From now on, when a problem causes a BSOD or another major error that halts the system, the PC will not automatically reboot. Rebooting manually will be necessary. 

How To Disable the Windows XP Splash Screen Using the System Configuration Utility

The Windows XP logo that shows up during the boot process (called the "splash screen") can be nice to look at, but it does slow your computer down slightly. Disabling this splash screen can help you boot up a little faster.
Follow these simple steps to disable the Windows XP splash screen using the System Configuration Utility, sometimes referred to as msconfig.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Disabling the Windows XP splash screen usually takes less than 5 minutes.

Here's How:

1.      Click on Start, then Run, type the following command in the search box, and then hit the Enter key.
This command will load the System Configuration Utility program.
Note: Do not make changes in the System Configuration Utility other than those outlined here to avoid causing serious system issues. This utility controls a number of startup activities other than those involved with disabling the splash screen.
2.      Click on the BOOT.INI tab located at the top of the System Configuration Utility window.
3.      Check the checkbox next to /NOGUIBOOT and click OK.
4.      You will then be prompted to either Restart, which will restart the PC immediately, or Exit Without Restart, which will close the window and allow you to restart the PC manually.
5.      After the restart, the PC will boot into Windows XP without showing the splash screen. This will result in a slightly faster boot time.
Note: Windows XP will continue to boot in this manner until the System Configuration Utility is configured to again boot normally.


1.      To re-enable the Windows XP splash screen during boot, follow the instructions above to enter the System Configuration Utility but this time choose the Normal Startup radio button and click OK

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

RAM Testing tools

5 Free Memory Test Programs

Memory test software, often called RAM test software, are programs that perform detailed tests of your computer's memory system.
The memory installed in your computer is very sensitive. It's always a good idea to perform a memory test on newly purchased RAM to test for errors. Of course a memory test is always in order if you suspect that you may have a problem with your existing RAM.
Note: All of the memory testing programs listed function from outside of Windows so each will work no matter if you have Windows (7, 8, XP, etc.), Linux, or any PC operating system.
Important: If your memory tests fail, replace the memory immediately. The memory hardware in your computer is not repairable and must be replaced if it fails.

1. Memtest86

Memtest86 is a completely free, stand-alone, and extremely easy to use memory test software program. If you only have time to try one memory test tool on this page, try Memtest86.
Simply download the ISO image from Memtest86's site and burn it to a disc. After that, just restart to boot from the disc and you're off.
While this RAM test is free, BradyTech Inc. can ship you a CD with Memtest86 preinstalled, plus detailed documentation, all for around $10USD.
Unless you're a hardware developer or other expert, the free download and free basic support available on the site should be enough.
I highly recommend Memtest86!

2. Windows Memory Diagnostic

Windows Memory Diagnostic is a free memory test program provided by Microsoft. Very similar to other RAM test programs, Windows Memory Diagnostic performs a series of extensive tests to determine what, if anything, is wrong with your computer memory.
Important: You do not need to have Windows (or any operating system) installed to use Windows Memory Diagnostic.
Simply download the installer program and then follow the instructions to create a bootable floppy disk or ISO image for burning to a disc like a CD, DVD, etc.
After booting to the disc or floppy disk, Windows Memory Diagnostic will automatically begin testing the memory and will repeat the tests until you stop them. If the first set of tests finds no errors, chances are your RAM is good.
Windows Memory Diagnostic Review and Free Download

3. M2K MemScope

M2K MemScope is a free memory test program from the makers of Micro-Scope - a large suite of professional, time tested (and expensive) computer diagnostic tools.
MemScope performs a wide variety of tests in an attempt to locate even the smallest issue with your memory. Many advanced testing options are available but the "Run All" test is equivalent to tests in other programs and is a safe bet if you're not a memory expert.
MemScope is freely downloadable from M2K's site, linked below. You will have to fill out a short form but you're quickly brought to the download link. I couldn't get the provided ISO file to work but I did use the "MemScope installer" option to create a bootable floppy disk without problem.

4. Memtest86+

Memtest86+ is a modified and presumably more up-to-date version of the original Memtest86 memory test program, profiled in the #1 position above. Memtest86+ is also completely free.
I would recommend performing a memory test with Memtest86+ if you have any problems running the Memtest86 RAM test or if Memtest86 reports errors with your memory and you'd like a really good second opinion.
It might seem a bit strange that I rank Memtest86+ as the #4 pick, but since it's so incredibly similar to Memtest86, your best bet is to try Memtest86 followed by my #2 and #3 picks, both of which operate differently, providing you with a more well-rounded set of memory tests.

5. DocMemory Memory Diagnostic

DocMemory Memory Diagnostic is yet another computer memory test program and works very similarly to the other programs I have listed above.
One major disadvantage of using DocMemory is that it requires that you create a bootable floppy disk. Most computers today don't even have floppy drives. The better memory test programs (above) use bootable discs like CDs and DVDs instead.
I would recommend using DocMemory Memory Diagnostic only if the memory testers I have listed above do not work for you or if you'd like yet one more confirmation that your memory has failed.
On the other hand, if your computer isn't able to boot a disc, which is what most of the above programs require, DocMemory Memory Diagnostic may be exactly what you've been looking for.

7 Free Hard Drive Testing Programs

7 Free Hard Drive Testing Programs

There are many free hard drive testing tools available to help you determine what, if anything, is wrong when you suspect there may be a problem with a hard drive.
Some of these tools may be built in to your operating system already while others are available from hard drive manufacturers.
Important: Replace your hard drive if it fails any of your tests.
Note: Several excellent premium hard drive testing tools are available as well.

1. Seagate SeaTools

Seagate SeaTools is free hard drive testing software that comes in two forms for home users:

  • SeaTools for DOS supports Seagate or Maxtor drives and runs independent from your operating system on its own CD or disk, making it highly reliable.
  • SeaTools for Windows is a program that installs on your Windows system. You can do basic and advanced testing of any kind of drive - internal or external - from any manufacturer.
For those looking for SeaTools Desktop, SeaTools Online, or Maxtor's PowerMax software, please note that the two tools above have replaced all three. Seagate now owns the Maxtor brand.
Note: You do not need to own a Seagate or Maxtor hard drive to use SeaTools.
Seagate SeaTools Review and Free Download

2. Hitachi Drive Fitness Test

Hitachi Drive Fitness Test is free hard drive diagnostic software available for use on most drives available today.
The Hitachi Drive Fitness Test software is available as an ISO file which can be burned to a CD and then used to boot the computer. See the installation instructions from Hitachi in the link below for details.
Note: You do not need to own a Hitachi hard drive to use Drive Fitness Test (DFT).
Download the Free Hitachi Drive Fitness Test Software

3. Microsoft Windows Built-In Error Checking

Error Checking, sometimes referred to as scandisk, is a hard drive testing tool that comes with Microsoft Windows that can scan your hard drive in search of a wide range of errors.
This tool can also attempt to correct a number of hard drive problems.

How to Scan Your Hard Drive Using Built-In Error Checking in Windows

4. Samsung HUTIL

Samsung HUTIL is a free hard drive diagnostic utility for Samsung hard drives. HUTIL is sometimes called ES-Tool.
Samsung's HUTIL tool is available as an ISO image for burning to a CD. This makes HUTIL operating system independent and a better testing tool, in general, than those designed for use within Windows. It's also possible to run HUTIL from a bootable floppy disk.
Note: HUTIL will only test Samsung hard drives. HUTIL will load and find your non-Samsung drive you will not be able to run any diagnostics on the drive.

Download Samsung's HUTIL Hard Drive Testing Tool for Free [Direct Link]

Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Use System Restore in Windows 7

How To Use System Restore in Windows 7

The System Restore tool in Windows 7 is a very valuable utility when you're trying to solve a major problem

Most serious issues in Windows 7 are caused by problems with the Windows Registry, device drivers, or DLL files. When a restore point is created, a current copy of these and other important files in Windows 7 are saved and can be restored using System Restore.

Considering the scope of protection that System Restore provides, using the tool early in your troubleshooting could save a lot of time.

Follow these steps for reverting important Windows 7 system files back to a previous state using System Restore:

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Using System Restore to reverse system changes in Windows 7 usually takes several minutes

Here's How:

1.      Navigate to the Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools program group.
2.      Click on the System Restore program icon.
3.      Click Next > on the Restore system files and settings window.
4.      Choose the restore point that you want to use.
Note: Check the Show more restore points checkbox to see more than the most recent restore points.
Note: Any restore points that you created, scheduled restore points that Windows 7 created, and those created automatically during the installation of certain programs will be listed here. You can not use System Restore to undo Windows 7 changes to a date that a restore point does not exist.
5.      Click Next >.
6.      Click Finish on the Confirm your restore point window to begin the System Restore.
Note: Windows 7 will shut down to complete the System Restore so be sure to save any work you might have open in other programs before continuing.
Important: System Restore will not revert any of your non-system files like documents, email, music, etc. to a previous state. These types files are completely unaffected by System Restore. If your intention with this tool was to recover a deleted non-system file, try using a file recovery program instead of System Restore.
1.      Click Yes to the Once started, System Restore cannot be interrupted. Do you want to continue? dialog box.

2.      System Restore will now restore Windows 7 to the state that was recorded in the restore point you chose in Step 4.
Note: The System Restore process could take several minutes as you see the "Please wait while your Windows files and settings are being restored" message. Your computer will then reboot as normal when complete.
3.      Immediately after logging in to Windows 7 after the reboot, you should see a message that System Restore completed successfully.

4.      Click Close.

5.      Check to see if whatever Windows 7 problem you were troubleshooting has been corrected by this System Restore.
If the problem still persists, you can repeat the steps above and choose another restore point if one is available.

If this restoration caused a problem, you can always undo this particular System Restore.