
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Last shutdown time of your computer and Last access time of folders,files

Well If your computer is shared or used by more than 1 people and if you want to know that whether in your absence someone has access your pc or not?

Well for windows 7 and windows vista operating system,here are the 


(1) Goto Run-> type compmgmt.msc and enter.

Or Right Click on my computer,Select Manage.

(2)Now navigate to Event viewer-->Windows Logs-->System.

Now You will be able to see when your computer will be accessed last time.

Now if you want to see when your computer last shutted down, just click on filter current log available in right sidebar.Enter 6006 as event id as shown in screenshot and then press ok.1st row will suggest you that when  you have last shutted down your computer.

You can also able to see when your files or folders accessed last time.This way you can easily trace that if someone else has accessed your personal documents in your absence.

here are the steps,

(1)Download the search tool Everything:

(2)Install it and run it, and wait for it to index your disk (should take less than a minute)

(3)Right-click on the column headers (where it says "date modified"), and enable "Last accessed"

(4)Now search for something random, like windows
Click on the new column header "Last accessed" to sort search results, so that latest are on top

(5)Delete your old search, and search for *.c.So that you can be able to 
see the accessed time of all the files having extension .c.Search *.* 

instead and you will see all the files listed with last accessed, with dates and times.