5 Tricks and Tips to Boot Up Computer Faster
Regular Hard Disk Check Up.
Over the Time Hard Disk gets Degraded not only
Physically but also Digitally. So it’s Important to Monitor the Hard Disk's
Drive Health. Any Error or Damaged Sector can throw the Software Loading into
an Infinite Loop and thus Causing the Long Load Times. So to check the Hard
Disk's Drive Health follow these simple steps :
Click Start >> Computer >> Right Click the Partition to be Checked
>> Properties >> Tools.
Now Under " Error - Checking ", Click " Check Now ".
c) Now a Pop Window will come and on that
Check the both Options i.e. " Automatic Fix File System Errors ", and
" Scan For and Attempt Recovery of Bad Sectors ". After this the
Error Check would Start and it might take some Time according to the Disk Size.
Now Hard Disk Check Up has been Completed.
2) Eliminate Startup Delay
To get Faster Boot Up Speed, We can cut the Boot Delay to 0. The delay is in place to allow your Startup Processes some Breathing Room during Loading. The Default Delay is 30 seconds and We can Change it to 0 and Eliminate it for Faster Boot Up Times. So to Eliminate the Startup Delay follow given below Steps :
a) Click Start >> Run >> Type " msconfig " ( Without Quotes ) >> Press Enter.
b) Now the System Configuration Utility
Windows will Open.
c) Now Click Boot Tab. In the Boot
Menu, Change the Default Setting for the Time Out from 30 any Less Number of
Seconds You Want. We Recommend the minimimum of 3 Seconds.
d) Now Startup Delay has been Eliminated.
3) Organize the Hard Disk.
Over the Time, Storage System of the
Hard Disk gets DisOrganized. So we need to ReOrganize this Storage System on
the Hard Disk. Windows has a Default Utility called Disk Defragmenter that will
put the Hard Disk of the System in Order. So to use this Utility follow given
Below Steps :
a) Click Start >> Computer
>> Right Click any Disk Drive >> Properties >> Tools.
b) Choose Defragment. Now in the Disk
Deframenter Utility, Click Defragment. You have to Defragment each of the Disk
Partitions Individually.
c) Now the Organization of Disk has
been Completed.
4) Remove Unwanted Startup Programs.
Whenever we Install a New Program,
most of them Opts to Load on the Computer Startup. The process of Loading Up
these Programs at Startup can reduce the Booting Times. So We need to Reduce
these Startup Programs. So to Reduce and Disable the Unwanted Startup Programs
follow given below steps :
a) Click Start >> Run >>
Type " msconfig " >> Press Enter.
b) Now the System Configuration
Utility will Open.
c) Now Click Startup Tab.
d) Uncheck the Programs that You no
Longer Want to Run on the Startup and Click OK.
e) Now Unwanted Startup Programs
have been Removed.
5) Remove Unwanted Startup Services
There are many Windows Services
which also requires the Loading Up at Startup and can reduce the Booting Times.
So We need to Disable these Startup Services. So to Reduce and Disable the
Unwanted Startup Sercvices follow given below steps
a) Click Start >> Run >>
Type " msconfig " >> Press Enter.
b) Now the System Configuration
Utility will Open.
c) Now Click Services Tab.
d) Uncheck the Services that You no
Longer Want to Run on the Startup and Click OK.
e) Now Unwanted Startup Services have been