
Friday, October 26, 2012

Increase speed Of Internet by 20%

Simple Method to Increase the Internet Speed by 20%.

There is a Trick to Increase the Internet Speed by 20%. Windows Reserves the 20% Speed of Internet for its own Windows Purpose like Windows Updates, etc. This Trick will Increase the BandWidth usage by 20%, meaning to get a Faster Internet or the Full Incoming Speed. Here is a Trick to Increase the Internet Speed by 20%. 

1)Start >> Run >> gpedit.msc >> On Right Hand Side Select Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Network >> QoS Packet Scheduler >> Limit Reservable Bandwidth.

2) Now it is set to default as "Not Configured". Now press "Enable" and Change the Value from 20% to 0%.

3) Press Apply.

4) Now the Speed has been Increased by 20%. So it is simple Trick to Increase the Internet Speed