PC Support
Virus/Spyware/Malware Removal Service
Troubleshoot and resolve Windows/OS X errors
Diagnose customer Desktop, Laptop Hardware issues
Install / Uninstall Software, Applications, Drivers and other
Configure Windows Firewall & Automatic updates
Repair internet connection
Run complete spyware, adware and virus scan
Run utilities for hard drive to enhance the performance
Resolve ISP issues for AOL, Verizon, SBC Yahoo, MSN and more
Perform diagnostics on faulty Internet connection & repair
Troubleshoot browser (IE, Netscape, Mozilla etc.) error messages
Configure Firewall & Security Policies for PC’s safety
Suggest & implement of latest Internet Security measures
Windows Installation / Re-Installation / System Restore
And Network Support
Setup & configure wired, WiFi new/existing network
Remotely Install/Update network drivers & software
Configure & show how to enable Security & Firewall
Setup & install new/old WiFi routers, hubs and networks
Help connect the right cables between PC and Router
Configure Security & Firewalls for WiFi Router
Scan & remove IP conflicts within the network devices
Show how to share folders, drives, files, printers within the
Tech Support Plan
Virus/Spyware/Malware Removal Service
Install / Uninstall Software, Applications, Drivers and other
Configure Windows Firewall & Automatic updates
Run utilities for hard drive to enhance the performance
Troubleshoot browser (IE, Netscape, Mozilla etc.) error messages
Configure Firewall & Security Policies for PC’s safety
Suggest & implement of latest Internet Security measures
Perform System Restore
Setup new / old DIGICAMs with PC
Help connect the right cables and connectors
Remotely install / update the drivers, software & updates
for Digital Camera
Help use the basic features of Digital Camera.
Help transfer / print your favorite pictures from Digital Camera
Setup iPod, Zune, Creative Zen, Dell Juke Box and more
Install / Update the software & drivers
Show basic & advanced features of MP3 player
Resolve device conflicts, errors when connecting the MP3 player
Recommend the most appropriate accessories for MP3 player
Set up HP, Dell, Lexmark, Epson printers, scanners & All in
Ones and more
Install / Update the printer software & drivers
Configure printer to machine.
Diagnose & resolve printer connection, device conflicts
Optimize printer software for improved performance
Help perform a test print.
Setup & Synchronize, O2, Palm One, IPAQ, BlackBerry, iPhone
Remotely Install / Update drivers, software & firmware
How to use the basic/advanced features of PDA, Smartphone
Synchronize Contacts, Mails, Calendar and more
Recommend appropriate accessories for PDA / Smart Phone