
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to Stop Windows 10 Auto-Installing Updates

If you want to prevent Windows 10 from downloading and installing updates automatically, we’ll show you how to do it.

A lot of software these days is updated automatically, including web browsers and the operating system on Google Chromebooks. They’re more services than software, and although Windows has always had fairly regular updates, Windows 10 has been unpopular with users because Microsoft really forced those updates out and restarted PCs even if you were in the middle of something.

Things are better now thanks to a feature called Active hours that lets you set a period of time each when Windows won’t restart. We’ll also explain how to use this.


How to stop Windows 10 automatically installing updates

One way to stop updates being downloaded is to set your internet connection as ‘metered’. This is a common thing on phones, where you wouldn’t want app updates eating up all your data allowance. And you can do the same thing in Windows 10.
To do this, open the Windows 10 Settings (the cog icon on the Start menu) and click Network and Internet.

Click on Wi-Fi in the left-hand menu, then click on the network to which your laptop, tablet or PC is connected (sadly, you can’t do this for wired Ethernet connections).

Scroll down and you’ll see the option for Metered connection, and below it the switch to turn it on. 

this will reduce data usage and stop Windows updates from being downloaded.
Naturally, this will also prevent them from being installed, which means it’s a cunning way to defer updates if you have Windows 10 Home, which most home users do.

Windows 10 Professional Edition: Defer upgrades

While Home users are stuck with having to work around automatic updates, Professional users have a built-in option that allows them to defer updates for several months. The best part of this option is that security patches are still applied, it’s just system updates that are held back.

To enable the feature go to the Start Menu and type Settings, then select the top option. From Settings go to Advanced Options and there you’ll find the Defer Upgrades tick box under the Choose How Updates are Installed section. Click on this and you won’t have to worry about updates for a while.