
Monday, April 29, 2013

How to create your own customized RUN commands

                         "No need to mess up with your desktop"  

Create your own customized RUN command in just 5 easy steps :-

By this you should be able to run your programs directly for eg. you want to open windown media player.You need to type only   wmp    in the Run dialog box. Its your wish what name you want to give  the command. 

----Right click on the desktop screen and click on "New" then click on "Shortcut".

-Browse for the program for which you want to create the command.(Navigate where the program is installed. In my case location is "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe") . Target to the main file of the program such as wmplayer, iexplore etc. 

----Click "OK". Type a name for the shortcut. Then click "Finish" .
----Cut the shortcut and paste it to C:\Windows ..
-----You are done. Just open the Run dialog box, type wmp and hit Enter to open the Window media player.

Just like this you can create various othercommands for other programs such as "ff" for firefox, "idm" for internet download manager etc.